Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sales and purchase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sales and purchase - Essay Example The input data that is required are item category, brand, quantity, cost, customer detail (name, address, phone and birthday), mode of payment, mode of sale and special scheme (e.g. discount). Once these data are entered into the system, it undergoes various processes before finally culminating in the delivery of the item. These processes can be broadly classified into six main areas; 2. The system then differentiates the mode of sale and categorising it into direct sale order or internet based order. This gives the management to make appropriate strategies and plans for their existing or emerging market. 3. With category and brand specified, it then checks for the stock status so that in case of any shortfall, alternative brands can be suggested or sold. This information (category and brand) also help to market other products that may add value to the items asked for. 4. The system then checks for any special offer or discount that the item might have at that particular time. This is an important process because the current market scenario has necessitated introduction of special schemes to attract customers in order to main their competitive edge. 'The ultimate schedule (discount) is one which maximises the suppliers' resultant economic gain, but does so at absolutely no added cost to the buyer' (Monahan, 1984). 5. If the mode of payment is other than cash transaction, the system performs credit check for the customer and accordingly, informs and suggests the customer for alternatives for payment schedules. 6. The system then confirms or refuses the sale/ purchase order and sends the same information on the terminal and generates invoice or sale/ purchase receipt. The completion of sales order is but the first of many other requisites of the input information that are essential for the management of the company. The growth and the future prospects of the business depend on the input data as they are able to divulge vital information about the products and the customers. The sale processing data helps the management to disseminate information that can be categorised into the following output formats; 1. The input data helps to generate current inventory status so that the products that need fresh stocks can be ordered much in advance. 2. The data also helps the management to assess the order flow pattern of the products and services so that the management is able to take appropriate steps in meeting the demands of their customer either by increasing the shopping hours or employing more staff to deal with the rush. This helps the management to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and general efficiency. This applies both to the days of the months and the specific hours of the day, during which there is marked difference in the sales and purchase pattern. 3. The data also help in finding out the popular items which are sold or purchased as well as the brands that are preferred thus helping the firm to introduce items or products that add value to the ones that are already popular. 4. The management can also maintain its client base by making efforts to

Rivalry against Mr.Empanada Restaurant Research Paper

Rivalry against Mr.Empanada Restaurant - Research Paper Example Empanada was well on the way to being a recognized fast food company in the Tampa Bay area (Mr. Empanada). Mr. Empanada served as a vendor in the forum of the Tampa Bay Times. The most recent franchise of Mr. Empanada was established in the Soviet Union in St. Petersburg in September 2012 (Mr. Empanada). To preserve the quality of its products, Mr. Empanada only produces its food stuffs in one location in Armenia Avenue. There are many restaurant chains that sell empanadas in the United States; but Mr. Empanada is the only restaurant that specializes in creating different types of empanadas. It is also the only restaurant that operates in the Southeast. Empanadas, as well as other similar specialty food offerings are a niche market with potential for greater development. Empanadas are quite cost effective yet bring considerable proceeds to the restaurant. In addition, the low cost of the ingredients used to create empanadas along with the wide range of flavors that can be used has be en made Mr. Empanada a great success. Macro environment factors refer to external factors that affect a company but that are beyond a company’s capacity to control. A model that addresses external factors that affect firms is the Porter’s Five Forces Model. ... g power of suppliers (d) Rivalry among business competitors (e) The threat of substitute products (Kerfoot, Davies, and Ward 115) Diagram of Porter’s Five Forces Analysis (Porter, 89) Competitive rivalry concerns one of the most important aspects for industries, as it may be used to decide on potential marketing or operating strategies that will ensure that the organizations stays ahead of the competition. Mr. Empanada’s marketing strategies are largely based on factors that take into account its competitors. The restaurant’s consumers naturally have high standards and will opt for the outlet that caters best for their needs. This explains why Mr. Empanada is constantly looking to create new and more flavor filled products that are created with organic raw materials. Rivalry in the restaurant industry is evident in the price discounting practices, advertising campaigns, service improvement initiatives, and new product introductions that are often seen in many res taurants. Moreover, sometimes, intense competition can negatively affect profitability. Many times, the intensity of business rivalry is brought about by the following factors: Exit Barriers – Competition between businesses usually increases when the expenses involved in closing the business are more than the costs involved in remaining in business. The expression ‘exit barrier’ is descriptive of an impediment that makes it difficult for an entrepreneur to leave the business. These barriers mean that the entrepreneur will incur a great cost in spite of having good reasons for leaving. Exit barriers can exacerbate business rivalry because if a corporation is not able to leave due to underperformance, it is forced to compete. In the restaurant industry, there is a low exit rate and there are not many

Monday, October 28, 2019

Social Interaction in People with Autism Essay Example for Free

Social Interaction in People with Autism Essay People with Autism tend to face difficulties in social interaction. This study examined the possibility that the cause of these social difficulties is heightened anxiety in response to social situations. First year psychology students were asked to complete three surveys online, in order to test their anxiety levels, as well as the extent to which they demonstrate autistic-like traits. The results indicated a link between anxiety and autistic-like traits in the general population. Due to the fact that this study was based on the general population, further research using participants who have autism would be beneficial to ensure the validity of this link. If this link was reinforced in future studies, it could potentially have significant implications for the treatment of Autism. By developing ways to reduce anxiety, clinicians may be able to make patients more comfortable in social situations and improve their quality of life. Social Interaction in People With Autism: The Link Between Anxiety and Social Communication Deficits Individuals with Autism exhibit â€Å"abnormalities in social and communication development, in the presence of marked repetitive behavior and limited imagination† (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994). One of the most prominent issues for people with Autism is their tendency to experience difficulties in social interaction. They tend to lack conversational skills, find it difficult participate in social events and are often seen to behave in a generally strange manor (Kanne, Christ, Reiersen, 2009). The reason for this lack of social interaction is unclear. It is possible that people with Autism are simply not interested in social interaction, however it is more plausible that this lack of social interaction is due to heightened anxiety in social situations. Research has identified that those with significant Autistic-like traits are more prone to loneliness. Loneliness implies that these individuals are not content in being by themselves and are experiencing negative feelings as a result (Bauminger, Shulman, Agam, 2003). Furthermore, research has illustrated that many individuals with Autism have expressed a desire to develop friendships and sexual relationships (Jobe White, 2007). These results indicate a desire to engage in social activities; therefore it seems likely that this avoidance of social interactions is due to elevated anxiety rather than disinterest. One recent study compared the anxiety levels in children with autism, with the anxiety levels of two control groups. The results indicated that the children with autism had â€Å"considerably higher† anxiety than the control groups (Gillott, Furniss Walter, 2001). An alternative study examined the link between autism and anxiety in adolescents. Similarly, the results indicated significantly higher anxiety in people with autism. Both studies listed a limited sample size as a limitation, and suggested future research with a larger sample size (Bellini, 2004). This study will build upon the foundation provided by these and other studies and further examine the link between anxiety and autism with a larger sample size. Autism is often considered to be a â€Å"spectrum disorder. † This means that those with Autism are high in particular traits, which can be found to a lesser degree in all members of the general population (Jobe White, 2007). Therefore, the general population can be used to examine the link between autistic-like traits and elevated anxiety. This report will use three questionnaires, namely the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS, Mattick Clarke, 1998), the Autism Quotient (AQ, (Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin, Clubley, 2001) and the Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation (BFNE, Carleton, McCreary, Norton, Asmundson, 2006) to analyse the link between Autistic-like characteristics and anxious tendencies in the general population, which can then be related to people with Autism. The aim of this report is to clarify the cause of social deficits in people with Autism. It will examine the notion that these social difficulties are linked to heightened anxiety levels in response to social situations. It is expected that the data will reflect this link, and higher AQ scores will be positively related to higher scores in the BFNE and SIAS. Method Participants The research was based on a sample of first year psychology students studying at the University of Western Australia. There were 356 participants- both male and female- ranging from 17 to 56 years old. Participants were asked to take part in the study as a part of the course requirements for PSYC1102. There were no additional selection criteria; all students were invited to participate in the study regardless of age, sex or ethnicity. Materials The data was collected using three surveys: the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS), the Autism- Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and the Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation (BFNE). The SIAS provides a list of social tendencies and skills and asks participants to identify whether the statement is characteristic of them. Participants are given 20 statements such as â€Å"I have difficulty making eye contact with others† and are asked to select the option that most accurately reflects them from a five-point Likert scale between â€Å"not at all† and â€Å"extremely. † Participants receive a score between 0 and 80 based on their answers. The BFNE seeks to assess participants’ fear of negative evaluation; it does this by providing 12 statements such as â€Å" I am afraid of other people knowing my shortcomings† and asking participants to select an answer on a five-point Likert scale from â€Å"not at all characteristic of me† to â€Å"extremely characteristic of me. † Participants receive a score between 0 and 60 based on their answers (Carleton, McCreary, Norton, Asmundson, 2006). Finally, the AQ is a 50-question questionnaire, which assesses where the participant lies on the Autism Spectrum. It assesses the participant on five areas: social skills, attention switching, attention to detail, communication and imagination (Baron-Cohen et al. 2001). It offers statements such as â€Å"I prefer to do things on my own rather than with others† and invites participants to select an answer on the five-point Likert scale from â€Å"definitely agree† to â€Å"definitely disagree. † Participants receive a score between 0 and 50 based on their answers. (Baron-Cohen et al. 2001) The current study aimed to clarify the cause of social deficit in people with Autism. It was hypothesised that these social difficulties are linked to elevated anxiety levels in response to social situations. It was expected that the data recorded from the AQ, BFNE and SIAS questionnaires would be consistent with this hypothesis and highlight the link between autistic-like traits and heightened anxiety. The results show no link between the AQ and the BFNE. However, they do indicate a positive relationship between the AQ and SIAS, and a positive relationship between the SIAS and BFNE, as expected. This indicates that there is some truth to the hypothesis that the social deficits faced by people with autism are linked to anxiety. This study has some limitations, which should be considered when discussing the results. Firstly, participants of this study were first year students, largely under the age of 20, and of similar level of intelligence. These factors make the sample somewhat limited, and it is unlikely to be a true refection of the general population. Future studies would benefit from conducting surveys with a more diverse sample group. A random sample of participants would provide a more rounded and accurate representation of the general population. In addition, this study assessed members of the general population, and most –if not all- participants do not have autism. Therefore, it could be argued that the results may not be entirely valid. While there is research to suggest that autistic-like traits are evident in the general population, this does not necessarily mean that the link between autistic-like characteristics and anxiety established in this study can be transferred to people with autism. Future studies may need to assess this hypothesis with people who have autism for more valid findings. A further possible limitation of this study is that of the 931 students, only 356 participated in the study. It is logical to expect that the students who completed the survey are likely to be the more diligent students. The more diligent students may share similar characteristics, and may have more autistic-like tendencies; this could indicate some bias in the sample group. This study indicates a link between autistic-like characteristics and anxiety in the general population. If this link was proven in future studies to be also relevant to people with Autism, the information could be used to improve the quality of their social interactions. Clinicians could potentially take this link into account when working with patients with Autism. By developing ways to reduce anxiety, clinicians may be able to make patients more comfortable in social situations. This study has supported the theory that there is a link between autistic-like characteristics and anxiety. This could be further developed with more extensive research into anxiety in people who have autism. With further research, clinicians may be able develop methods to target anxiety in people with Autism and reduce the severity of their social deficits.

Virtuoso Teams Essay Example for Free

Virtuoso Teams Essay In a day-by-day shrinking world where new organizations are popping up like mushrooms on a wet forest floor, what can be the one factor that sets you apart from the rest? The common answers would be better technology, brilliant strategies, great work atmospheres and many other such options. While one can’t deny the importance of all this, isn’t it obvious that every business unit on the planet is aware of these factors and trying in their own way to improve upon them. In a world where complex and intricately-woven ideas generally sound â€Å"smarter† it is often a simple and honest idea that does the trick. While thinking of better ways of resource utilization and profit maximization, we often end up overlooking the most conveniently available resource available to us- the â€Å"human resource†. While human capital management and human resource development (HRD) may now sound like run-of-the-mill terms, companies can take these concepts beyond their conventional boundaries to chart new stories of success. â€Å"Virtuoso teams† are the call of the future. When big, discontinuous change is required, a different sort of team and leadership is needed. These Virtuoso Teams make the difference between real success and just achieving another modest result. What are these â€Å"virtuoso teams†? Are they the proverbial genies from an Arabian Nights story that can make all our problems disappear? Well, not quite so fantastic but somewhat equally efficient, these teams are an elite squad- Revolutionaries that are catalysts for big change. They are utterly unique in the ambitiousness of their goals, the intensity of their conversations, the degree of their esprit, and the extraordinary results they deliver. Not bound by the usual rules of the game, these teams comprising of brilliant individuals working together and yet always competing with one another are dynamic and charismatic in their approach. In a world where there is no dearth of talent or skill, the star achievers are no more content with their accomplishments. There is always a hunger for more. Self-actualization needs makes a majority of workers hop jobs in the search for better prospects. The talent-drain problem is one of the major causes of concern in all major companies. A great idea would be to group such star achievers in teams and put before them the toughest challenges whereby they can not only use their exceptional individual skills but also collaborate for doing something truly remarkable. Traditionalists criticize such teams branding them â€Å"too risky, too temperamental, too ego-centric, and too difficult to control†. But they forget an important fact, the innovators and change agents in today’s world are individuals with these very same characteristics. What if Mark Zuckerberg and his team of innovators had preferred â€Å"playing it safe† instead of charging ahead with their self-belief. The world never would have shrunk so close as it has through â€Å"FACEBOOK†. We may call people like Zuckerberg mavericks and temperamental even ego-centric but who can deny that feeding one’s ego is what actually keeps the crà ¨me-de-la-crà ¨me striving for continued excellence. Virtuoso Teams tell some of the most compelling and wide-ranging stories of remarkable team leadership ever assembled. These teams are intense and intimate. They assume that their customers are every bit as smart and sophisticated as they are, so they don’t cater to a stereotypical â€Å"average.† Leaders of virtuoso teams put a premium on great collaboration—and they’re not afraid to encourage creative confrontation to get it. Top companies are realizing that such teams not only engage some brilliant minds in realizing their true potential but help the company as a whole do much better. Other employees are motivated and work harder to be a part of this elite team, top management can delegate responsibilities to these teams and be sure of effective solutions and the team members have what they crave for most- jobs that challenge them to keep doing their best. The future of business enterprises can be defined through proper handling of these virtuoso teams.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cannabis: The Hemp Plant :: Botany

Cannabis: The Hemp Plant Probably one of the oldest plants known to man, Cannabis was cultivated for fiber, food, and medicine thousands of years before it became the "superstar" of the drug culture (Schultes, 1973). Cannabis, as it turns out, not only has many usage's, but has been employed in various ways by different cultures. Linnaeus first classified Cannabis sativa in 1753 as a monotypic species (i.e., one of its kind with respect to its genus). Now, however, this question with regard to the lack of diversity of the genus has come under fire. Richard Evan Schultes proposed a polytypic classification in 1974. Many questions still remain about Cannabis. Is there one species of Cannabis or are there several or more? Many scientists have argued that the genus is monotypic. Indeed, even the Federal government and at least a dozen states have enacted marihuana laws that are based upon the assumption that the genus consists of only a single species, C. sativa. Others, on the other hand, believe the genus is comprised of many species. For example, Russian students in the 1920's and 1930's claimed that there were at least a dozen species of Cannabis. At the time, the Russian views were not widely accepted. However, in the late 1960's scientists began to accept the idea that there were more than one species, and more investigations were initiated. Looking back, the polytypic concept of Cannabis dates to 1783 when Lamarck published an account of Cannabis indica in his Encyclopedia, (Volume 1), and fully contrasted it with the account of C. sativa (Emboden, 1974). Many species have been proposed or claimed over the years, but have been later found to be identical to existing plants. The three species now widely accepted are C. sativa, C. indica, and C. ruderalis. Cannabis sativa is very tall, loosely branched, and the branches are remotely positioned from one another. On the other hand, C. indica is low-growing and densely branched, with more compact branches and with a tendency to be more conical or pyramidal in habit. Compared to other plants, C. ruderalis is small and slightly branched. However, the cannabolic content is highest in C. indica (Schultes, 1975). Cannabis plants are comprised of both staminate and pistillate plants. The female produces large amounts of seed, and the male produces pollen. The staminate plants generally are shorter in height than the pistillate. The differences between these two necessitates two periods of harvesting.

The Holocaust :: Holocaust Essays, The Nazis

When I visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, I was sickened to learn of horrifying Nazi activities intended to improve the Aryan race and to learn about the human body.ï ¿ ½ While many people are aware that the Nazis had these goals, most are uninformed of the means used to reach them.ï ¿ ½ I was also ignorant of the extent of their attempts to establish themselves as ideal specimens of the human race.ï ¿ ½ They used many unforgivable methods to accomplish these aims, some of which were revealed to me during my visit to the museum. The Nazis attempted to create a master race through both vicious and less cruel means.ï ¿ ½ Before my visit to the museum, I was unaware that the Nazis had a program for forced sterilization for those who had genetic disorders or any traits that were undesirable to be passed down hereditarily (Holocaust Museum).ï ¿ ½ These included the mentally ill, the blind, the deaf, those with severe physical abnormalities, serious alcoholics, and Germans that were half-African (Holocaust Museum).ï ¿ ½ The sterilization of these people was legalized by the Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring, which took effect in 1933 (ï ¿ ½Deadly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ Cases were heard by courts, but the vast majority of cases ended in the order to sterilize (ï ¿ ½Deadly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ It is estimated that 300,000 Germans were forcibly sterilized by Nazi demand (Holocaust Museum).ï ¿ ½ Similar programs were in effect elsewhere in the world, including the United States (ï ¿ ½De adly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ A law was implemented in Virginia allowing forced sterilization of ï ¿ ½feeblemindedï ¿ ½ people, and it was judged legal by the Supreme Court (ï ¿ ½Deadly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ Euthanasia was also used by the Nazis to eliminate these people, even children (ï ¿ ½Deadly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ Parents of the euthanized children were told that they had died from other causes, even though the children were murdered in hospitals (ï ¿ ½Deadly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ Less severe methods of creating a perfect race included the Nuremberg Laws, which outlawed marriages between Jews and Germans, and the encouragement of large Aryan families with the ï ¿ ½Honor Cross of German Motherhood,ï ¿ ½ where mothers of four or more were given medals (ï ¿ ½Deadly Medicineï ¿ ½).ï ¿ ½ I was stunned to learn the extent of the Nazisï ¿ ½ actions that were intended to create a perfect race, and I was sickened to think that the Nazis might have committed further crimes s uch as these that are still unknown to the public. The Nazis also performed cruel medical experiments on Jewish prisoners, both living and dead.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cooper and Cole: Comments on the Power of Nature in The Last of the Moh

Cooper and Cole: Comments on the Power of Nature in The Last of the Mohicans In the history of American literature, James Fenimore Cooper played a substantial role in the development of American fiction and the American character (McWilliams 20-21). During his own time, Cooper influenced public opinion on many important political issues, especially those relating to the Native Americans, and especially the Indian Removal controversy of the 1830s (McWilliams 84). Of all of his writings, however, The Last of the Mohicans, 1826, second of the Leatherstocking series, had and continues to have the greatest impact. TLOTM--never out of print, translated into almost every major language, the subject of four movies--is simply a novel that "everyone knows something about, even if one has not read it" (McWilliams 11-12). In short, TLOTM is an American myth, an American myth that is especially important in the way that it represents Native Americans and the American landscape. It is this conception of the American landscape as an influential figure, a virtual character in Cooper's work, that interests me. "The trees, the greenery, and nature generally play as much a starring role in Mohicans as any of the main characters . . . depicted as wild, magnificent, uncontrollable" (Barker & Sabin 25). America--a land to conquer. A land in need of settling. In many ways, the Native Americans were seen as a part of that landscape, "more or less inconvenient aspects of geography," the good Indians facilitating white progress, the bad impeding it (Bercovitch 166). Nowhere is this conception of the Native American as a part of the American landscape as important to building the character of America as it is in Cooper's TLOTM. Here, Cooper ill... ... of Things: the Isolated Figure in the American Landscape of Cole and Bryant." Views of American Landscapes. Ed. Mick Gigley. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1989. McWilliams, John. The Last of the Mohicans: Civil Savagery and Savage Civility. New York: Twayne, 1995. Nevius, Blake. Cooper's Landscapes: An Essay on the Picturesque Vision. Berkeley: U of California P, 1976. Parry, Ellwood C. The Art of Thomas Cole: Ambition and Imagination. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1984. Powell, Earl A. Thomas Cole. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1990. Ringe, Donald A. James Fenimore Cooper. Boston: Twayne, 1988. Slotkin, Richard. Introduction. The Last of the Mohicans. By James Fenimore Cooper. New York: Penguin, 1986. Wolf, Bryan J. "A Grammar of the Sublime, or Intertextuality Triumphant in Church, Turner, and Cole." New Literary History 16.2 (1985): 321-41.

A Migrant’s Diary

Dear Diary, Hello, my name is Lucas and I am a migrant. I am the oldest of eight children and we live on a small farm in the Hills of Kenya. Tomorrow I will have to leave my Family to move to the capital city Nairobi. Here I work on our small patch of land with my Mother and Father, the only problem is that everything is getting worse. There are so many in my Family that we haven't got enough food to feed everyone. That is why I must go. I will try to find work to earn some money and then send it too my Family to help them. We rely on the Weather to be able to grow crops but this is normally not very successful. The weather here is very bad for our crops because mostly there are either Droughts or Floods. The condition of the soil is very poor and our crops die very quickly. Because we live on high land it is hard to grow crops because of all the slopes. I am very excited to go because I will hopefully be able to help my Family but also a bit worried because maybe I will not even find a Job. I have heard that Nairobi has quite a lot of jobs on offer so I hope I will find one. Very many people live out here in the Countryside but not very many people live in the city. More and more Migrants like me are moving to the City. I hope the People in Nairobi will be nice to me and not make me feel down. I do not like to leave my Family but I have to, so that they will be able to survive. I must go now to get ready for Tomorrows leave. Goodbye Lucas Dear Diary, I have just arrived in Nairobi and I am very impressed at what it looks like. The Journey here was very long, Tiring and bumpy and I am glad I have got some fresh air to breathe now. I am now waiting for my cousin to meet me here. Most buildings here are very small and are made of Iron. It looks quite clean here but there are a lot of piles of rubbish outside the Houses. The people here wear much better quality clothes and they look a lot richer than I do. The city is built on very low Land and so it is very easy to build houses. There are some higher buildings but I cannot see any Skyscrapers of any kind. There is a lot more Traffic here than were I used to live. The people here look much more busy and I cannot see any Farms. I think they work in Offices, Hospitals, Schools and shops. I have a lot of hope that I will get a Job even if it is only small but I need to save my Family. The City looks much bigger than the Countryside. There seem to be a lot of People crowded in one little space. I hope that my cousin will come soon because I am starting too feel very nervous. Oh, there she comes, I will write to you later. Goodbye. Lucas Dear Diary, I am now in my cousin's house and I am not very pleased. I thought that I would live in a really nice house, because my uncle told me that she was doing really well but it doesn't seem like it. The House is very clean but very small. She calls it a shanty house and there is lots of rubbish outside and a river of sewage is running outside. There is no Electricity or clean Water and I can't believe anybody could live like this. The Walls are made from mud and the Roof from Iron. It is very hot in the day and very cold at night. There are a lot more Jobs here, which is what I was looking for, but the ground here is not ideal for farming either. I have written a letter to my Family describing what it is like and that I am searching for a Job. Every day I go out and look for a Job, but it is very hard as I am a Migrant. The Offices, Schools, Hospitals and Shops are a lot cleaner than the Shanty Houses. Well I will write more Later. Goodbye. Lucas Dear Diary, I have now been looking for a Job for 4 weeks and I became very desperate. My Family have been asking what's going on and I told them that I couldn't find anything, but my cousin was helping me. It is very hard to find a Job because all I know about is farming and there are no Farms in the City. But yesterday a man came up to me and asked if I would like to work for his cleaning Company. I was so pleased that I said yes without Thinking First. I am so happy that I have found a Jog. I only get paid very poorly but it is still better than working on the Farm. I will get my first amount of money next week and that Money will go straight to My Family. I have already sent them a Letter. I work as a cleaner on the streets of Kibera and have to pick up the Rubbish that is left in front of all the Houses. It is not very nice to do but I need to bring some money to the Family. I hope that they will be Pleased with the Amount I send. Being a Cleaner is very hard work and I work 11 Hours a day. All the rubbish outside the Houses makes me feel a bit sick but apart from that I'm O.K. I will write more later. Goodbye. Lucas Dear Diary, I have know been working for 3 Month and have been sending Money to my Family every Week. My sister said that she is very impressed and wants to come to work here as well. I wrote a Letter to her that said something like this. Dear Sister, I am very pleased to hear that you would like to come and live with me and help me. I must tell you though that the City isn't as great as you think. The shanty houses are very clean inside but very Dirty outside. As I have previously told you I am a Cleaner and I have to pick up all the Rubbish people leave outside. You might need to get the same Jog as me but if you are Lucky you will get a Different one. Working here is great but very Hard. I hope you will come so that we can send even more money to the Family and maybe sometime I could pay them a Visit when you are working. If you tell me when you will arrive then I can come and Pick you up at the Bus Station. I hope the whole Family is well. Please write back as soon as Possible, to tell me all Information. There are a lot more Shops here and better health care. Please come to visit because I am starting too fell very Lonely. Even though I live with my Cousin I'm still Lonely because I never see her as she is working at Night and I am working at Day. The City is very nice and Different so Please Come to Visit. Goodbye, Your Brother Lucas. I am so happy because she wants to come and Visit me. I am really starting too fell Lonely and It would be great if she came, so I am holding Fingers crossed. I am sorry but I will have to go to work now.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Role of a Butler

Throughout history, the word â€Å"butler† has always been associated with service. The dictionary defines a butler as â€Å"The principal manservant of a household. † This definition remains true even when the butler is employed in a hotel. When a guest checks in and has occupied his suite, then this becomes his household. The butler caring for him becomes the â€Å"manager† of the suite (household) and in effect an employee of the guest. Services butlers offer differ from place to place, but their activities are basically centered around making the guest more comfortable and sparing them from having to do tedious and time consuming task. A hotel butler is an ambassador who sells the hotel just as much as anyone else and should be considered a key player in a team of professionals striving to deliver a level of personalized service that exceeds not only the expectation of the guest but will add a point of difference from the service provided anywhere else. Butlers are trained to provide a very personal, and detailed service to their guests. Their main function is to take care of their guest requests, bookings, reservations, problems, complaints, supervise and co-ordinate every service that the guest receives in suite and to ensure guest satisfaction by paying attention to the smallest detail from arrival to departure. Butlers are given the awesome responsibility of contacting guests before arrival to determine their wishes and ensure everything that they like and want to do is arranged before their arrival. They personally greet guests on arrival, take care of their needs and introduce them to the facilities if they are not familiar with them. They ensure suites are ready, they unpack their suitcases, iron, clean and mend anything that is broken. They provide whatever room service needs the guests may have, from making reservations, purchasing items, bringing and serving food. Butlers are often expected to provide morning wake up drinks, lay out clothes, and keep the guest moving smoothly from one engagement to another. When the time comes to leave, the butler packs the suitcases and ensures a smooth departure. Having developed a close relationship with the guests, he then stays in touch and ensures the guest returns. A good butler should be multi-skilled and possess certain natural character traits in order to excel at his or her job. They need to possess good organizational skills and communication skills so they can carry out their tasks and perform their job in an efficient manner. They should be flexible and accommodating to a guest’s needs; capable of dealing with people of all ages and from different cultures; friendly, loyal and very subtle and unobtrusive. They have a responsibility to take ownership of any problems while removing worries and chores from the guest experience; and in the same breath foster that one of a kind unique relationship with them. As an individual who has developed a passion for guest satisfaction and one who works tirelessly in delivering flawless services in a highly professional manner, I am convinced that the role of a butler is an excellent job opportunity for me and I most certainly do possess all the above mentioned character traits that exemplifies a superb butler.

The Importance of Healthy Eating

The importance of healthy eating and the knowledge that I am not eating properly has impacted the way I look at food, but it has not yet translated into my daily food intake. Because I prefer grains and dairy products, I tend to snack and base my meals on these foods and have not yet added the necessary fruits and vegetables into my diet. According to the basics of the food pyramid (2007), I should be getting 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Because I do not like the texture or taste of these food products, I have not yet increased my intake. Even though I know that increasing these items in my diet will help improve not only my overall dietary requirements, but also improve my nutrient consumption, I have not been able to force myself to eat things that I do not like. Instead, I have chosen to begin taking a multi-vitamin supplement to make certain that I am meeting my nutritional needs. One of the other drawbacks I had noticed in my diet was that I did not consume enough lean mean and beans on a regular basis. I am willing to eat more lean beef and chicken and have improved this some, my protein intakes are still lower than they should be on most days.   Using the pyramid tracker online (2007), I have discovered that my enjoyment of carbohydrates is leading to my exceeding the recommended calorie intake for me and have not been meeting my nutritional needs. One of the things I was surprised by was that I was not getting sufficient fiber. I discovered this was because I was eating white breads and crackers and carbohydrates made from processed grains instead of whole grains. I have been able to rectify this somewhat by simply changing to whole wheat crackers and bread. I have also added peanut butter to my crackers as a mid-morning snack and added another glass of milk with my crackers to make certain that I am meeting my dietary dairy needs. Because of this class, I am more aware of my food choices and have made a conscious effort to include more of the fruits into my diet. I had hoped at the beginning of the class that I would be able to modify my eating schedule and add fruits as a form of breakfast. I have not yet been able to do this. I am considering purchasing fruit juice to keep as a drink; Even if I only drink a few ounces of juice, this would be an improvement in that I don’t eat breakfast at all currently and I consume too few fruits. As I do not like vegetables in general, I am also considering the possibility of juices like V8 which are fortified with vegetables. Though I dislike this flavor as well, it avoids the texture issue I have with eating vegetables and it means I can reach my recommended daily allowance of vegetables without having to actually eat them. Furthermore, I have decided to keep baby carrots as a snack and attempt to eat them instead of crackers at some snack times in an effort to increase my vegetable consumption. I have also tried sliced apples with peanut butter as a snack to increase both my fruit consumption and my protein consumption. I have not particularly enjoyed these snack changes and have found that I fall easily back into my old eating patterns. Because I prefer grains and dairy, I have found that my fat and cholesterol intake are not terribly high, but neither is my nutrition (Tracker, 2007). Switching to whole grains has improved my fiber intake and because many grains are fortified, I am making inroads toward meeting my nutritional needs. I am currently doing so via taking a multi-vitamin, but because of this class, I am aware that it is much healthier to get my vitamins through food instead of pills. As such, I am trying to modify my diet to eat more iron-rich foods including red meat and vegetables, but I find that eating vegetables is very difficult. I have managed to force myself to begin eating smaller meals more frequently as a way to manage hunger and blood sugar levels, preventing binge eating and over-eating. I am hoping that these modifications to my diet will help to improve my overall energy levels and health. I have also been trying to get more exercise on the weekends as a means of improving my overall health and controlling weight gain. Based on my analysis of my diet and activity levels at the beginning of the class, it is clear that I have been gaining weight regularly because I take in almost 700 calories per day more than is recommended for me. Furthermore,   my lifestyle is more sedentary than even I realized and that contributes to both my lack of energy and my weight gain. Through the week I get some exercise via work, including a lot of walking, but on the weekends when I am largely devoted to my studies, my time is spent mostly working on a computer and studying. Neither of those activities use significant amounts of calories and help me to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Recently, to combat this I have begun taking a break every three to four hours from studying or other leisure activities on the weekend and going for a short walk. The 15 minutes walk helps reenergize me and clear my mind for the next bout of studying. I am also hoping that as I continue to do this I will be able to significantly increase my energy levels so that I do not feel so drained when I come in from work at night. I sued to enjoying working out with weights and believe that I could enjoy this again if I could simply motivate myself to go. Usually, by the time I am finished with a day’s work, I am more interested in relaxing than worrying about my health and fitness level. As I am not a morning person, the idea of getting to the gym before work in the morning is out of the question. Instead, I have decided to try to add a relaxing stroll either on my lunch hour or after dinner in the evenings as a way of increasing my overall fitness. I believe that improving my base fitness levels will lead to more energy and more desire to continue to increase my level of activity. As it stands now, I rarely get anything more than light activity and then only in short bursts. I believe that based on the things we have learned, if I increase each of those activities each day, I will soon be to the point where I can add moderate activity at least a few days a week. The most important things I have learned from this class is an eyes-open evaluation of my life. While I have not chosen yet to modify my lifestyle to what it needs to be, I am aware now of my failings and what steps will need to be taken to improve my lifestyle. I realize that my low energy levels are caused by my eating schedule and poor nutrition and that by improving what and when I eat, I can give myself more energy and be more active. I realize that every time I choose inaction over action I allow my body to become less fit and that fitness contributes to energy levels. I have found the resources, via the food pyramid and pyramid tracker on line to keep daily records and evaluate my progress. In short, this class has given me the tools necessary to live a healthy life and now I simply need to motivate myself to do it. List of References, USDA Food & Nutrition Information Center, June 17, 2007., June 17, 2007. , June 17, 2007.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Indians

Destruction Indian rights have been violated by whites through the Indians’ struggle for economic stability, religious freedom, and their basic human rights as set forth by the Declaration of Independence. The white man invaded the Native American culture when they â€Å"discovered† America and called it their own. Though Indians did not believe in owning land, the whites began buying, selling, and trading the land. After crushing the values and traditions of Indians, the white man felt they were superior. It is revealed in Leslie Marmon Silko’s novel Ceremony that Native American culture suffered greatly during and after WWII, and continually suffers with the destruction of reservations. â€Å"If you multiply every social problem in America by 10high school dropouts, suicide among teenagers, alcohol and drug abuse, death by violence, and diseaseyou have what Indians go through,† said Rep. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, who was the only member of congress in 1992 who identified himself as an Indian ( Being stripped of its values and traditions, the Indian culture is slowly disintegrating. Indians strived for economic stability after their land was intruded on and basically taken away from them. Indians make up a tiny minority of the United States population and live mostly in poverty and isolation. For this reason, many Indians moved away from their tribes to get away from poverty. The initial purpose of the reservation system was to set Indians apart from whites; however, reservations soon became encircled by whites during the westward expansion. In addition, with laws such as the Indian Removal Act, Indians were forced off land where they had always lived and forced onto land that did not fit their needs. â€Å"Their land-once fertile and clean-is now defaced by circles of charcoal, tire tracks and, since the men had come back from the war, broken bottle glass all over the reservation.† (Jeffe... Free Essays on Indians Free Essays on Indians In â€Å"Indians† by Jane Tompkins, she discusses the problems that follow the history of the real Indians that once inhabited this land before being ousted by the Europeans. She investigates how other famous authors perceived the life of the Indians and their problems with the Europeans. Her main issue is how the facts, which we think, are â€Å"true† facts should not be considered concrete. History has a way of changing information over time and different people have different perceptions on Indians. Interesting enough, the author uses quotation marks around the word Indians. This is done because we really do not know the truth about these so-called â€Å"Indians†. We attached a history and amore importantly a reputation to these groups of people just because we accept anybody’s facts. Based on what she wrote, she concludes that she cannot accept other people’s facts as her own. She feels that she needs to piece together the life of the European-Indian relationship. She feels someone elses facts is the product of their own perspective and therefore piecing together the facts and seeing if everything goes hand and hand. She supports this by quoting over five different authors who wrote about the European-Indian relationship. Each author has a different version of the relationship between these two groups of people. One author goes on to say that America was uninhabited when the Europeans came over. That statement alone begins to question the integrity of the author’s words and what to really get out it. Reading that statement makes you question what is being said about the Indians and of its true or not. Based on the author’s conclusion, I feel that she is right. I agree with the idea that we need to discover things for ourselves and make ourselves believe based on our own perspective. Interpretation, language and common sense are tools that we would need to create our own thoughts as to what really went on between ... Free Essays on Indians All of the west coast tribes were considered rich by the other Indian nations. Of all the coastal Indians, the Tulalip, Swinomish, Lummi and Skagit tribes were considered the wealthy. These were the Indian tribes who lived in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. There wealth came from the abundance food. There were all kinds of fish and seafood. The woods were full of elk and deer and other animals. There were blackberries and raspberries and salmonberries and nuts. Cedar trees were everywhere. The Indians used cedar to build their homes and to carve everything from canoes to eating utensils. Softened cedar bark was used to make shoes, clothing, blankets, toweling. They created a way to dry food so that it could be stored safely. Once they could store food, they could relax a bit during the winter months. That gave them time to develop a gracious lifestyle. Each morning, started with a bath in the river. After their morning bath, they went to work. Their first meal would not be until several hours later. The women did chores on land, near the longhouse. They wove blankets and baskets and mats. They dug for clams. They collected berries. They pounded cedar bark, to soften it, and to ready it to make clothing. They cleaned the family's quarters in the longhouse. They scrubbed what they could and replaced anything soiled that could not be scrubbed. They put the morning meal on to cook and started to prepare food for the evening meal. The men went fishing and hunting. They used traps and clubs and arrows to catch game and setout baskets to catch crabs and fish. The coastal Indians did not live in tepees, as did the Yakima Indians of Eastern Washington. Instead, they lived in longhouses built of thick cedar planks. These early people chopped down and split massive cedar trees using beaver teeth and stone axes. The longhouses were huge. Some were about 100 feet long and 25 feet wide, with low roofs for easy heating. The only op... Free Essays on Indians Destruction Indian rights have been violated by whites through the Indians’ struggle for economic stability, religious freedom, and their basic human rights as set forth by the Declaration of Independence. The white man invaded the Native American culture when they â€Å"discovered† America and called it their own. Though Indians did not believe in owning land, the whites began buying, selling, and trading the land. After crushing the values and traditions of Indians, the white man felt they were superior. It is revealed in Leslie Marmon Silko’s novel Ceremony that Native American culture suffered greatly during and after WWII, and continually suffers with the destruction of reservations. â€Å"If you multiply every social problem in America by 10high school dropouts, suicide among teenagers, alcohol and drug abuse, death by violence, and diseaseyou have what Indians go through,† said Rep. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, who was the only member of congress in 1992 who identified himself as an Indian ( Being stripped of its values and traditions, the Indian culture is slowly disintegrating. Indians strived for economic stability after their land was intruded on and basically taken away from them. Indians make up a tiny minority of the United States population and live mostly in poverty and isolation. For this reason, many Indians moved away from their tribes to get away from poverty. The initial purpose of the reservation system was to set Indians apart from whites; however, reservations soon became encircled by whites during the westward expansion. In addition, with laws such as the Indian Removal Act, Indians were forced off land where they had always lived and forced onto land that did not fit their needs. â€Å"Their land-once fertile and clean-is now defaced by circles of charcoal, tire tracks and, since the men had come back from the war, broken bottle glass all over the reservation.† (Jeffe...

Virtual Reality essays

Virtual Reality essays Virtual Reality is yet another advancement in New Communication Technologies. Will it cause people, and society as a whole, to lose their grip on the real world? Or is it purely a continuation of technological advancement that allows humans to explore imaginary places? Like any other technology created by man, Virtual Reality has both negative and positive effects (Oravec, 1996). Virtual Reality (VR) is a system that enables single or multiple users to move and react in a computer simulated environment. It contains various types of devices, which allow users to sense and manipulate virtual objects the same way as they would real objects. VRs natural style of interaction allows participants the feeling of being immersed in the simulated world. The virtual worlds in which participants are immersed are created by mathematical models and computer programs (Zeltzer, 2000). Virtual Reality, when effective, creates an environment with benefits pertaining to education and safety (Osberg, 1992). VR invites user participation in problem solving, concept development, and creative expression, in an environment that is safer than the real world (Osberg, 1992). VR can also, and in some case has already, been very successful in areas such as military, training/education, surgery, entertainment, advertising, and tourism (NCT Course Content, 2001). Apart from physiological issues, VR has several psychological issues such as addiction, brainwashing, effects of interactive pornography or violence, and desensitisation or devaluing of the real world (NCT Course Content, 2001). The major concern of some critics is that Virtual Reality will use us in the future by becoming too large for us to control (Kalli, Chritine, 2000, p.1). It may be used so frequently, that humans will use the virtual world as a means of escape. People will create a perfect VR environment to live in so they ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Character Profile of Romeos Juliet

A Character Profile of Romeos Juliet Juliet, from Romeo and Juliet, is the young teenage daughter of Capulet and Lady Capulet. At age 13, Juliet is beautiful, innocent, and at a marriageable age. Before meeting Romeo, Juliet had thought little about love and marriage. Her parents, on the other hand, are keen to marry her to a rich and well-connected husband and have chosen Count Paris, who has expressed his interest in Juliet, as their daughters future husband. Whether Juliet likes him is not a concern to anyone but her. Meeting Romeo Changes Juliets Life However, Juliet soon stumbles upon her ​fate when she meets Romeo and instantly falls in love with him, despite his  being the son of her family’s enemy, Lord Montague. â€Å"My only love sprung from my only hate,† she exclaims. Like many women in Shakespeares plays, Juliet has very little freedom, but she is connected to the outside world through her closest friend, Nurse. Juliet, though, is prepared to abandon Nurse entirely when Nurse turns against Romeo. Juliet matures throughout the plot of the play and is eventually prepared to abandon her family in order to be with Romeo. Juliet, a Complex Character At the beginning of the play, Juliet Capulet appears to be a shy and innocent young girl, but the depth of her character shows as she meets Romeo, defies her father, marries Romeo, and ultimately commits suicide. While appearing quiet and obedient, Juliet displays inner strength, intelligence, bravery,  wit, and independence. It is, in fact, Juliet who asks Romeo to marry her. Juliet dispels the notion of shyness in scenes where she speaks as much as Romeo and with the same degree of confidence. Juliet shows her inner strength and independent nature in her decision to die rather marry Paris: If all else fail, myself have power to die. By so doing, she takes control of her own destiny, rather than allow her life to be controlled by others, as so many young women in her circumstances at that time would. Juliets Quotes of Character Juliets own words demonstrate her strength of character, independence, and growing maturity, especially regarding love. Here are some examples: Well, do not swear. Although I joy in thee,  I have no joy of this contract tonight.  It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden, too like the lightning, which doth cease to be ere one can say It lightens. Sweet, good night. My only love sprung from my only hate!  Too early seen unknown, and known too late!  Prodigious birth of love it is to me that I must love a loathed enemy. Three words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed.  If that thy bent of love be honorable, thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow, by one that Ill procure to come to thee, where and what time thou wilt perform the rite, and all my fortunes at thy foot Ill lay and follow thee my lord throughout the world.

States With Highest Teenage Pregnancy and Birth Rates

States With Highest Teenage Pregnancy and Birth Rates While the teen pregnancy rate has been declining overall over the past two decades, rates of teen pregnancy and birth can vary wildly from state to state within the United States. However, there seems to be a connection between ​sex education (or the lack thereof) and the rates of teen pregnancy and parenthood. The Data A recent report by the Guttmacher Institute compiled teenage  pregnancy statistics in the United States gathered state by state in 2010. Based on available data, below are listings of states ranked by pregnancy and birth rates. States with the high rates of pregnancy among women age 15–19  in ranked order: New Mexico  ArkansasMississippi  OklahomaTexas  Louisiana In 2013, New Mexico had the highest teenage pregnancy rate (62 per 1,000 women). The next highest rates were in Arkansas (59), Mississippi (58), Oklahoma (58), Texas (58) and Louisiana (54). The lowest rates were in New Hampshire (22), Massachusetts (24), Minnesota (26), Utah (28), Vermont (28) and Wisconsin (28). States ranked by rates of live births among women age 15–19:   New MexicoArkansas  OklahomaMississippiTexas  West Virginia   In 2013, the teenage birth rate  was highest in New Mexico, Arkansas, and Oklahoma (43 per 1,000 women), and the next highest rates were in Mississippi (42), Texas (41) and West Virginia (40). The lowest rates were in Massachusetts (12), Connecticut (13), New Hampshire (13), Vermont (14) and New Jersey (15). What Does This Data Mean? For one, there seems to be an ironic correlation between states with conservative politics around sex education and contraception and high rates of teen pregnancy and birth. Some research suggests that U.S. states whose residents have more conservative religious beliefs on average tend to have higher rates  of teenagers giving birth.  The relationship could be because communities with such religious beliefs (a literal interpretation of the Bible, for instance) may frown upon contraception  ...  If that same culture isnt successfully discouraging  teen sex, the pregnancy and birth rates rise. Furthermore, teen pregnancy and birth rates are often higher in rural areas rather than more urban areas. Think Progress  reports: While teens across the country have largely been having less sex and using more contraception, teens in rural areas have actually been having more sex and using birth control less frequently. It’s not clear why that’s the case, but it could partly be because teens in rural areas still lack access to a range of comprehensive contraceptive services. There just aren’t as many sexual health resources in rural counties, where teens may have to travel farther to the nearest women’s health clinic. And deeply rooted attitudes about sex- including school districts that continue to cling to  abstinence-only health curricula  that don’t give teens enough information about methods to prevent pregnancy- may also play a role. Urban school districts, particularly in  New York City, have made significant advances in expanding teens’ access to sexual education and resources, but there often aren’t similar pushes in rural places. Ultimately, the data underscore that it is not simply because teens are engaging in risky behaviors, such as having unprotected sex. They are also engaging in sexual activity while being un- or under-informed and while lacking access to contraception and family planning services.   Consequences of Teen Parenthood Having a child young often incites problematic life outcomes for teen mothers.  For example, just  40% of women who have a child before age 20  finish high school. Because many  teen mothers drop out of school to parent full-time, support around their education is crucial. While supportive social infrastructure to aid young parents is key, it is often missing, particularly in states with large percentages of teen pregnancies. One small way to help is for communities to start a  Babysitters Club  so they young mothers can take GED classes and continue their educations.   As the  National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy  argues by preventing teen and unplanned pregnancy, we can significantly improve other serious social problems including poverty (especially child poverty), child abuse and neglect, father-absence, low birth weight, school failure, and poor preparation for the workforce.  However, until we tackle the large infrastructural and cultural issues around teen parenthood, including access to family planning resources, the issue seems unlikely to go away anytime soon.   Source: Kost K, Maddow-Zimet, I and Arpaia, A. Pregnancies. Births and Abortions Among Adolescents and Young Women in the United States, 2013: National and State Trends by Age, Race, and Ethnicity. New York: Guttmacher Institute. 2017.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Difference Between Expository Essay and Business Communication Essay Essay Example

Difference Between Expository Essay and Business Communication Essay Essay Example Difference Between Expository Essay and Business Communication Essay Paper Difference Between Expository Essay and Business Communication Essay Paper Exists many types of academic paper related to the topic of business. It is possible to emphasize the two, which are the most widespread. These are the expository and business communication paper. Both types of academic papers have many features in common. What is more, exists a difference between expository essay and business communication assignment. The first type of writing may discuss themes which are related to business as well as more general topics. In contrast, the second type can be directly related to business issues. Both of these types of papers aim to render to the target reader the points of the view of the writer. Talking about the difference between expository essay and business communication text, it is essential to emphasize their purposes. The expository paper aims to discuss specific issues and present strong and persuasive arguments, while business communication paper outlines steps for further studies. The expository piece tells about something by explaining how it works. The main task of a student is to express the idea, research it, describe, making evaluative judgments. Business communication piece has a source, a specific message, a target audience and specific action taken. It resembles a process of communication. Expository pieces aim at giving the reader information. These writing inform the audience. There is no call-to-action sentences and thought-provoking statements. It serves merely as a source of the idea. In contrast, the communicative article aims at evoking the desire in the mind of a target reader to do something and take some measures. In the business sphere, it presupposes buying the product or using a specific service. Entrepreneurs use these writings to increase the capacity of business, while expository article provides general info concerning specific product or kind of service. How to write an expository essay and communication essay? Although there is a difference between expository essay and business communication, these types of academic papers have much in common. That is why the rules and guidelines for helping to write these pieces also are similar. As each type of academic paper, these two kinds of writings comprise many specificities. An author has to take into account all the features and stick to them throughout the whole writing process. It is possible to decide the writing process of expository article and business communication document into three stages pre-writing stage, writing stage and post writing stage. On each of these preparation stages, an author has to perform many processes allowing to create an ideal essay suiting all the requirements and demands. Writing in a clear and distinct manner is compulsory. It will enable rendering the message of the writer to teh target reader with no violations. In all these stages, despite the difference between expository essay and business communication writing, the authors have to perform the same processes. In the pre-writing stage, a task of the writer is to gather all the necessary info. A proper technique will be to leaf through the sources from the reference list and surf the net to collect unique and exciting for the target reader info. An excellent and prolific technique is the preparation of the outline. It presents a plan that will make the writing process more manageable and allow the author to express and explain his idea clearly. In the writing phase, an author has to create the text, following the outline. It is not difficult if the plan of the writing was compiled carefully. The post-writing stage demands grammar and originality check as well as polishing the manuscript and presenting the final version of a paper. How to structure expository essay and communication paper Exists a slight difference between expository essay and business communication paper. However, the structural and formatting demands do not differ significantly. As every article, both these papers should comprise an introductory part, main body, and conclusion. Each of these structural parts should be compiled following the established rules. An introduction is an opening part of a document. That is why its primary task is to gove the target reader the general understanding of the topic and prepare him for the perception of the further info. The intro has to start with the hook sentence. It should be informative, attention-grabbing and familiarize the target reader with the topic. Next, you have to provide general facts related to teh topic to specify the details. The last sentence of the opening part is a thesis. It presents the basis for the whole writing and expresses the position of a writer. The main body of the explanatory document and business communicative article should comprise strong persuasive arguments enhancing the main idea of the author. Implementing relevant supporting sentences is essential. What is more, the main body section should contain a couple of examples, which will clarify and strengthen the arguments delivered by the author. It is always a prolific strategy to take the reference list as a basis for the arguments and examples. It allows presenting the only relevant info. The last part of the writing is called a conclusion. The main purpose of this section is to summarize all the info presented by a writer beforehand. The task of the student working on teh delivery of the article is, to sum up, everything and deliver a logical conclusion. It should be informative, relevant and thought or action-provoking. Â  Order your perfect paper on As is often the case, students receiving a task to prepare any of these papers feel the lack of knowledge and experience. They are not able to find the difference between expository essay and business communication document. That is why it is difficult for them to prepare an academic assignment without qualified help. In such cases, the inexperienced writer starts to look for the services where they can buy essay papers or order custom essay. Undoubtedly, purchase essay help is a good way out, however, finding a reliable service may be quite challenging. is a perfect service, where you can easily order essay online without efforts. It is a credible and well-developed platform offering qualified assistance. You can turn to us at any time and get an immediate response. We hire a crew of advanced specialists able to cope with the task of any level of complexity. They are aware of the difference between the explanatory document and communicative article and it will not be challenging for them to create such an article. Stop using service, which does not satisfy your needs and expectations! Contact us and make an order now! To buy essay cheap on you need to follow the simple algorithm. Primarily, you have to fill in the ordering form. There you need to indicate all your requirements and demands to the future writing. You have to mention the title, number of pages, topic, list of references and the deadline. After that, you need to provide payments. Only after that, the preparatory process launches. Within the stated deadline you get your perfect assignment! Contact us and make an order now!

Fun Things to Do During College Summers

Fun Things to Do During College Summers Your time in college during the academic year, that is is, of course, filled with stressors like classes, papers, lab reports, and exams. It is also happily filled with the fun stuff, like friends, parties, going out, and a seemingly endless schedule of upcoming events and activities. During the summer, however, the social scene in your life can drastically decrease, especially if youre no longer on campus and spend your days at a job or internship. Whats a college student to do? Get Some Culture Go to a museum.  Go see some art, plants, science, history, or anything else you find interesting. And make sure to use your student ID for a discount.Go to a film festival.  Film festivals can be a great way to see new, independent films that you might not otherwise see, and summer is a great time to find a festival that focuses on the kinds of films you like.Go to a concert.  Who doesnt like a late-night, all-out, super-fun, big-name concert?Go to a music festival.  The weathers nice, the musics great, and the people are fun and interesting. Take advantage of summer music festivals while you can.Go to a play.  It doesnt have to be Shakespeare but it should be fun. Whens the last night you went to the theater not for a class anyway? Get Creative Learn an instrument.  You may have always had a desire to play the piano, learn the flute, or even play the drums. Why not learn now when you have the time and freedom to really put your heart into it?Take an art class.  Learning to make pottery or how to paint, for example, can be a great way to learn how to release your creative side.Try your hand at creative writing.  You can try to write poems, a short story, or even music. You never know what you might come up with when you have the time and freedom to really let your mind explore!Take a photography class.  Honing your photo-taking skills can be a great way to have fun, meet people, get some skills, and see new parts of your town. Get Lost in a Good Story Read a new release book.  It can be science fiction, general fiction, trashy romance, murder mystery, historical fiction but it doesnt matter. Grab the latest release and let your brain take a break.Read a classic.  Always hearing about a classic book one of your friends or family members loves? Been curious about a novel you never read in high school? Summer is the perfect chance to finally sit down and read it.Buy a magazine you dont usually read.  It can be intellectual, like The Economist, or ridiculous and fun, like People. But whens the last time you just let yourself sit, veg out, and read a magazine?Get an audiobook.  Fair enough: you may read enough during the year to not want your nose in another book over the summer. Consider buying (or getting from the library)  an audiobook that you can listen to while working out or driving around. Get Physical Try a new form of exercise.  Been curious about yoga, pilates, spinning, or something else? The summer is a great time to explore something new and see if its a fit.Join a community sports team.  Most places have community sports teams that play in the summer; they can range from competitive baseball to completely silly kickball leagues. See whats in your area and what you can join for the few months youre free.Take a class at the gym.  Summer can be a great time to get in shape. Your local gym probably has classes you can join that will help you exercise your body and relax your brain.Go golfing.  Never been? Golfing can be a great workout, a fun way to spend the day outside, and an important skill to learn if youre interested in going into the business field.Take a dance class.  Feel awkward when you go out clubbing with friends? A dance class can help, even if its something funky like swing or salsa.Go for a bike ride.  People seem to ride bikes less and less the olde r they get. But bike rides can be a fun way to get out and  get some exercise. Do something that challenges your fears.  Terrified of skydiving? Bungee jumping? And yet,  do you secretly also want to try them? Grab a friend and conquer your fears. Get Social and Give Back Volunteer. Think of the last time you volunteered. Didnt you feel great afterward? No matter where you leave, there are undoubtedly places that could use your time, energy, and smarts.Join a community group. Treat yourself to something fun that also gets you out into the community, like a running or hiking club.Organize an event at your church, temple, mosque, etc.  If youre a little bored this summer, chances are others are, too. Organize something fun with people you have something in common with. Get Entertained Try a new video game. Seriously, its summer. What better time is there to grab a new game and play it without worrying about that paper youd have to write if it were the school year?Watch a movie marathon. You can rent a ton of your faves or just watch a themed marathon on a TV network.Spend a weekend seeing all the new releases. Grab a friend and see if you can see all the new releases in one weekend. With food in the theater, theres no reason why you can just spend all day there, seeing movie after movie!Try a new idea: breakfast and a movie. Just wake up? Call a friend and meet at a local place that serves 24/7 breakfasts ASAP. Then amble over to the theater and enjoy whatever movie is next playing. Added bonus: breakfast is cheaper than dinner, and matinees are cheaper than the later shows.Head to an amusement park.  Its a summer classic and can easily turn into one of the highlights of your summer. See the World Or Explore Your Own Backyard Take a bus or a train somewhere new. Flying can be so cheap these days that folks sometimes forget about the bus or train. But sometimes the journey is half the fun, and youll see new parts of the country youd never see from the air.Take a quick flight somewhere new. Since flights, especially last-minute deals, can be so cheap, why not hop a flight this weekend and see a friend?Act like a tourist in your own town.  If you were in your town on vacation, what would you do? You might surprise yourself by finding new things to do and see.Go camping.  Camping during the school year can be a challenge, both because of your workload and because of the weather. Utilize all that summer has to offer for the great outdoors. Get Cookin Try a new kind of food or restaurant. Heard people talk about how delicious Peruvian food is, for example? Or have you always been secretly afraid to try sushi? Challenge yourself to try something new (to you).Experiment in the kitchen/learn to cook. During school, you probably dont have much time to learn how to cook; you just need food, fast. Use some of your summer free time to learn how to cook.Take a knife class.  Learning how to properly use a knife in the kitchen is both handy and impressive and yet very few people do it correctly. Taking a knife class at a local cooking school will be entertaining and super helpful as you learn to cook for yourself more and more.Take a bartending class.  Its fun, its handy, its a great way to meet people with similar interests. Whats not to like?Host your own Iron Chef competition.  Gather several friends and divide them into groups. Then, at a certain time in the morning, e-mail out the secret ingredient. Everyone has to report back t o, say, your house at 5:00. People will have fun and youll have dinner on top of it. Pamper Yourself Get a massage at a massage school.  Youre a student; you know how important it is to learn by doing. Find a local massage school and help another student learn his or her trade. Added bonus: massage-school massages are usually way cheaper than the regular ones and just as good.Get a funky haircut.  You may not even get a haircut while youre away at school. Why not use summer as a time to get a little funky with color or style? Take Full Advantage of the Summer Season Go to a major sports game.  Baseball, basketball, soccer it doesnt matter. Grab some friends and head to the stadium.Go to a minor sports game.  Things like  minor league baseball games can be incredibly fun and much cheaper than the big leagues. See whos around your town and when you can watch em play.Grab some kites, friends, burgers, beers, and a picnic table.  With that combo, how can you go wrong?Go to a water park.  Summer is prime time for water park fun as long as you remember the suntan lotion.Make your own fun water park day.  You dont have to have a water park near you to enjoy yourself. Grab some water balloons, a Slip n Slide, a kiddie pool (that can be used for lounging or even, when filled with ice, for storing drinks), some friends, and a hose. Set Yourself Up For Success Get a head start on your fall classes.  Alright, this one may sound lame, but it can do wonders for your mental health to look over your syllabi and perhaps get a head start on the reading especially for a class you might be geeked out about.Set up systems for success for the new year.  Okay, this also sounds lame, but think about it: Did you struggle with time management? Being  organized? Spending a little time now, while you have it, may save you a lot of time and frustration once school starts.Take an online class.  You wont have to commute, you can save some cash, and you might even get ahead on the credits youll need to graduate.Build a personal website.  If youre going to be graduating next year, a personal website can be a great way to advertise yourself to future employers and show them all your mad skills. Make sure to keep it clean and professional.Go through your old stuff and donate what you dont use or need.  Do you have things for 2 lives: your college lif e and your pre-college life? Someone somewhere will probably be grateful for all of those sweatshirts and t-shirts youre no longer using. Clean up your e-life.  Super fun? Probably not. Will you feel better afterward? Most definitely. Dump your old Facebook friends, clean up your  laptop desktop, and delete old pictures you dont want or would hate to get in the wrong hands from your camera or phone. A clean e-slate is a great way to start your new year.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The critical analysis of the role of MLD in clinical practice Essay

The critical analysis of the role of MLD in clinical practice - Essay Example Lymphoedema: It usually occurs due to the damage to the lymphatic system and as a result proteins keep entering the tissues from the smaller blood vessels called capillaries and the resulting effect is the buildup of fluid in the tissues whose draining lymphatic are blocked. The excessive accumulation of proteins in the tissue result in the retention of increased amount of fluid within the tissues and causes them to swell. Lymphoedema also hampers the ability of the vessels to oxygenate the tissues and their normal functionality is impaired and the healing is also delayed. If the accumulation of the lymph in the tissues is mild then the resulting proteins in the tissues can be removed by the tissue macrophages but if the accumulation of proteins is more resulting into Lymphoedema then the macrophages cease to work If the protein content in the tissues is increased then it stimulate the process of chronic inflammation and as a result fibrosis starts to develop in the affected area, ne w blood vessels are formed due to inflammation and these vessels are dilated resulting in the rubor effects of the inflammation due to which the temperature of limb is felt high. This increased temperature along with the protein stasis favors the bacterial growth which can result in acute inflammation. Such patients can present with repeated infections and may need hospitalization. These patients also suffer from frequent fungal infections and these are quite difficult to treat and these also put load on the lymphatics resulting in the worsening of the Lymphoedema. If the process is rapid then the sudden increase in the size of tissues can result in severe pain owing to the tissue damage by the pressure effects. The areas adjoining the edematous areas also feel painful but otherwise the pain is not present usually in case of primary Lymphoedema until and unless there is superadded infection. It is usually thought that the arms and the legs are the only sites of Lymphoedema but any o rgan of the body can be affected like genitals, the gut, the lungs or the liver. Other consequences of Lymphoedema can be decreased mobility and the swelling can cause embarrassment leading to depression in the patient and results in the worse quality of life of the patient. The edematous limb becomes heavy and is difficult to move which makes it more vulnerable to injury and resulting bacterial infection. The drainage of lymphatic from lower limb is less efficient as compared to upper limb, so the walking of such patients gets troublesome which further severe the condition, so the Lymphoedema of the leg is worse than of the upper limb. Initially Lymphoedema is of pitting type but with increasing severity the edema becomes non-pitting. If Lymphoedema remains for extended period of time like years then the overlying skin’s color changes along with loss of hairs and change in the texture of the nails is seen in the affected arm. The skin becomes very thick with large folds and warts resulting in the appearance called Elephantiasis. If the Lymphoedema is left untreated then it can lead to a malignant condition called Angiosarcoma. The symptoms of Lymphoedema include; a. Limbs become heavier and felt tighter. b. Pain which is severe in intensity and

Open Source Software Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Open Source Software - Research Paper Example A group of people suggested the replacement of the term free software with the term open source software (OSS) in the year 1998 because the latter was more convenient and less vague for the corporate world as compared to the former. The benefit of publishing a software with the license of an open source software is that it allows everybody to understand the way the software functions and in turn, develop a similar software. The open source software offers much more flexibility as compared to other kinds of software in that the users can modify the open source software, port the software to the processor architects, advertise the software, market it, and share it with other users. The Open Source Initiative publishes a document titled â€Å"The Open Source Definition† which defines the criteria for the labeling of a software license as the open source, so that the software may acquire the certification mark of open source. There is an open source philosophy ingrained in the ope n source definition. It defines several aspects of the open source software that include but are not limited to the terms of usage, terms of modification, as well as the principles of redistribution of the software. Numerous licenses of open source software are included in the Open Source Definition. An example of these licenses is the GNU General Public License (GPL) that grants the users the right to distribute the software freely provided that any modifications and developments are included in the same license.  ... â€Å"The license may restrict source-code from being distributed in modified form only if the license allows the distribution of "patch files" with the source code for the purpose of modifying the program at build time† (, n.d.). With the open source distribution, a product’s source code becomes accessible to the public whereas such access can be fine tuned by the authors using the open source licenses. Classification of OSS The OSS can be broadly classified into three main types namely Vendor OSS, Community OSS, and Hybrid OSS. Vendor OSS The Vendor OSS is also known as Community based OSS. This is a type of OSS that is mainly made and produced by a company. In a vast majority of cases, the vendor of this software develops a product’s version that exists in a community edition and can be downloaded free of cost. There is no support with the community edition and its functionality is lesser than that of the commercial version, that is also known as the Enterprise version or the Professional version. The examples of Vendor OSS include but are not limited to Jaspersoft, BonitaSoft, SugarCRM, Inforbright, and Talend. â€Å"Talend's data integration solutions provide a powerful set of tools to meet any integration requirement, from basic transformations to the most complex operational integration issues, data migration & capture, as well as data replication, synchronization and application upgrades† (Talend, 2012). Community Based OSS As the name implies, there is a community of people that develops and manages the Community Based OSS. In most of the cases, the software is developed by a group of people in the community, that can be joined by anyone. The examples of this type of software include Netscape, GNU Compiler Collection, and

Friday, October 18, 2019

U.S. Constitution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

U.S. Constitution - Assignment Example The United States government happens to be one of those with a weak central government as per Articles I, II, and III of the Constitution. This can be proved by the fact that the various powers and duties of governance have been delegated to different offices. In Article I, some powers have been delegated to the Congress, and in Article II, the Executive has its powers while in Article III the judiciary also has powers (The Constitution, 2010). If it were a strong central government, the executive would have most of the powers. There are distinct languages in the constitution, arguments by framers of the constitution and also philosophical underpinnings that support this argument at each level of the government. According to Article I, the legislative powers shall be vested in a Congress which has the sole power of impeachment (U.S. Constitution). Therefore, such cases do not need to be forwarded to either the executive or the judiciary. The fact that the Congress has delegated its powers means that governance is decentralized and at times the Congress can make its decisions and not be answerable to the executive or judiciary. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur: appoint ambassadors, ministers, Supreme Court judges, and other state officers (U.S. Constitution). Article III gives the powers of the judiciary and similar to the executive it also requires a lot of assistance from the Congress. This shows decentralization of authority and a weak central government. The framers of the constitution include both the federalists and the anti-federalists (Marshall & Stone, 2011). According to article I of the constitution, anti-federalists argue that the means of representation was inadequate as it did not cater for the diversity of the American people (Wood, 1969). They also argue that delegating powers to the

Assess and discuss Hospital Equipment Libraries giving consideration Essay

Assess and discuss Hospital Equipment Libraries giving consideration to current Medical Equipment Management guidance and policy - Essay Example These equipment assist and impact on the ability of the health organizations in effectively treating, monitoring and supporting patients care and in the general management of their respective medical conditions. It further allows proper management of healthcare in facilities and community settings by facilitating self-care for patients in difference circumstances. The hospital library operations functions are in tandem to the current medical equipment management guidance and policy. Medical equipment libraries are managed by clinical engineering team who ensure that all equipment are available for loaning any time of the day. They therefore, ensure provision of quality healthcare services by providing this equipment to the patients and staffs that need them in their service provision (MHRA 2013). To ensure that equipment are safeguarded in the libraries, medical management guidance and policies are important. The world health organization is one of the bodies that recognize the important of health organization having in place appropriate policies that can better address issues pertaining to equipment in the hospital libraries. These policies and guidance help to foster good governance in health organization which later impacts positively on the delivery of health services. Technology is advancing at a fast pace and many medical facilities are embracing these technologies. The technology has enabled positive performance of services but led to increase in prices (Device Bulletin DB2006 (05), 2006). Accessing medical care among many people earning low salary is out of their rich. The medical equipment management policy need to factor such issues in their plans to ensure that they provide good health care service to all people that requires good health. Policy guides management on various stages of equipment life cycle, including acquisition, utilization, maintenance as well as disposal. Therefore,

Smoldering Combustion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Smoldering Combustion - Essay Example For instance, a cigarette produces char due to the chemical contents, but the combustion is influenced by physical factors. This implies that the physical elements spur the chemical reactions through the oxidation process that attack the cigarette contents. The article also tackles the post-initiation features of smoldering. This comprises of various smoldering models, such as one and two-dimensional smolder models. However, oxygen controls the entire combustion process and this depends on the rate and degree of the reaction. One-dimensional smolder spreads based on the oxygen diffusion, either upwards or outwards from the layer of fuel particles (Ohlemiller 2-220). This model is restricted by reverse and forward propagation approaches. The combustion reaction is sometimes instigated by self-sustained processes. In this regard, self-sustained smolder propagation is prevalent by the oxidation kinetics of a solid. Reverse propagation is when oxygen diffuses to the reaction region from the external surface of the fuel layer. Forward propagation also affects the one-dimensional smolder in which oxygen flows in the similar direction as the movement of the smolder front (Ohlemiller

Biometric Authentication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Biometric Authentication - Essay Example This kind of authentication is what is referred to as biometric authentication. The security of a nation is very sensitive and therefore military bases and locations of security valuables need to be under 24 hour surveillance to ensure that there is no breaching in the perimeter. Ministries of defense in various developed countries have therefore employed biometric authentication in their military bases to restrict access to only authorized personnel and not just anyone. This paper will be assessing biometric authentication in the context of Ministry of Defense and its necessities, alternatives, weaknesses and strengths among other pertinent issues. Why is a dedicated biometric "solution" needed? Briefly and critically review leading edge approaches to role based authentication. What alternative solution(s) are applicable to this context of use? Provide their distinction(s) to rule-based authentication mechanisms. The biometrics technology does not go without fault as it has been ter med as both a promising and disruptive technology. The inapplicability of the current authentication services deem a dedicated biometric solution extremely necessary. ... It should also be unique to a particular person. Another important factor is permanence. This is in relation to the manner in which the biometric changes over time. Role-based access control is a concept of two extremes. At one end, it is simple while the other end is characterized by sophistication. According to the NIST model (Ferraiolo, 2007), there are four sequential approaches to role based authentication. The sequence is arranged in terms of increasing functional capabilities. The first is the flat role-based access control. It embodies the essential aspects of role based access control. According to this approach, permissions and users are assigned to roles and therefore for a user to gain permission, it is necessary for them to be part of a role. It is however key to note that many roles can be assigned to one user while one role can be assigned to many users. The second is hierarchical role based access control. This level adds a requirement which supports the hierarc hy in that the senior staff gains permission of the juniors. This approach has two levels. The first level is general hierarchical role-based authentication. In this case, there is support for an arbitrary partial order to serve as the role hierarchy. In the second level, restrictions may be imposed in the role hierarchy by the system and this level is referred to as restricted hierarchical role-based authentication. The third approach is constrained RBAC. Separation of duties, a technique that existed before the computer to reduce the possibility of fraud and accidental damage, is added as a requirement in this approach. There are two ways in which separation of duties can be implicated and they are static, and dynamic

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Competition Policy and a Single European Market Research Paper

Competition Policy and a Single European Market - Research Paper Example Being a member of the European EMU (Economic and Monetary Union) may be defined on the basis of four aspects. First, the members are defined by a single currency. Secondly, they not only enjoy a common monetary policy, but they also share similar interest rates. Then there is the issue of budget deficit limits, which in this case has been set at 3 per cent of a member country’s GDP. Finally, members enjoy capital; market integration. Talk has been rife that CEECs (Central and Eastern European Countries) may enlist for membership of EMU. However, there are a few elements that hinder such a move. These countries are poor, with low wage and income earner. They have low populations, and their economy may at best be said to be transitory. In addition, they are also industrially different, relative to the EMU countries. In the event that the CEECs become EMU members. Chances are that price, wage and cost transparency of industrial products may be experienced (Oudenaren 2005). In add ition, there will no longer be a market barrier that exists between EMU members and non-EMU members (Ackerman 2006). This in effect will lead to an expanded market to East and Central Europe. Without a doubt, the idea of CEECs joining EMU shall have far-reaching repercussions. For starters, we might very well witness a rise in migration to west EU, because of the availability of better-paying jobs and living conditions. On the other hand, the risk of doing business could as well increase, because of the industrial differences in doing business between, on the one hand, the CEECs and on the other hand, the countries in west EU (Oudenaren 2005).

ESSAY-Seven leadership traits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

-Seven leadership traits - Essay Example courage of initiative and action which entails making first attempts, pursuing pioneering efforts and stepping up for the task no matter the situation. The second one is the courage of confidence in others. This often involves not controlling situations or outcomes, having faith in other people and being open to change. The third type is the courage of voice and is marked by raising difficult issues which need to be addressed and providing the feedback needed at a particular time. Courage will help me attain major goals in my life because I will face it no with no fear or intimidation. As a leader I am able to communicate my vision to the other people. This involves painting a picture with the words such as speak it, write it, draw it and touch it. Communicating my vision openly with my close associates helps me correct some of the many mistakes I would have done if I did not talk to anybody about it. In this sense I try re-evaluating my vision from time to time so that it stays connected with the changing times. The vision is my ultimate desired goal and I always work hard towards it. Passion for my set goals has inspired me to actually take on new and dangerous challenges head on. I let my passion and vision shine through the activities I undertake daily. My passion is framed in such a way that it goes hand in hand with my vision so that I can be able to reach my set goals at the end of the day. If I am passionate of my undertakings, it means I love what I am doing and there is no day I will be bored. I always know of the next action to take while performing my duties. While I have a goal to meet, I have a plan so that I can manage time properly. I will usually do activities at the allocated time and avoid giving excuses or blaming other people about my failures. I know this will help me a long way after college because I need to be punctual on assignments given to me at my working place and other personal activities. The impact is the overall outcome of my